Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Hamza, PR officer of the Muslim Society Club sings the "Call to Prayer"

Last Tuesday the Muslim Society Club invited CSULB students to break fast with them during the holy month of Ramadan.

About 100 people attended the event and speakers educated the students about what Ramadan is and the discipline to fast for a full month from sun-up to sun-down. Hamza, the public relations officer for the Muslim Society was the host of the night and provided ample information from everything to the rigors of going through a fast to the "Testimony of Faith" that takes place 5 times a day in the Muslim religion.

I participated in the prayer and only the men were allowed to attend the secluded room adjacent to the USU ballroom. After taking off my shoes and kneeling northeast, the direction of the holy site that pilgrimages are made to annually, we kneeled and prayed to Allah.

Magic Lamp, a Lebanese restaurant on 2nd Street in Long Beach catered the event and provided more than enough food for the public. As we ate, several volunteers, non-muslims that participated in the fast, some for the entire month, some just for a day expressed their experience and how it affected them. Students described being a little tired, at times forgetful of the fast (which includes not drinking water) but overall overcoming personal challenges and disciplining one's self.


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