Tuesday, September 25, 2007


There may be a few of you who would like to finish your college career and never look back twice at the campus you graduated from. But if your like myself, you want to make most of the opportunity, because regret is a hard thing to live with.
Your first semester here may be overwhelming, especially if you're from a small town or just don't have the friend base you're use to. Boasting 30,000 students, it's no wonder one can just melt into the masses.
Fortunately, CSULB has one of the most varietal and diverse student life and development programs. With a gamut of social clubs abundant, these associations enable you to bolster your student career and in fact, beef up your resume in the real world while establishing life long friendships. http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/students2/sld/.
Check out the student organizations office in the student unions' 2nd floor and join up with a weekly break-dancing crew while discussing right-wing issues that same night.