Thursday, December 6, 2007

Seditious Libel for two please

Brave kid sans slingshot. A young Palestinian shows his diapproval of an occupying Israeli tank

If you're wearing CSULB apparel, it was made with the hands of a suffering indigenous person in a 3rd world country, according to the Campus Progressives. If you're still pissed you didn't get a seat to the Jim Gilchrist show, you can partially blame the Campus Progressives.

A liberal on campus activist group meets twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays to discuss everything from illegal immigration to gay's rights. On Wednesdays the discourse is taken to Viento Y Agua, a homey coffee shop on Fourth street here in the city of Long Beach. "It's just a chance for us to feel more unified outside of the campus and the staff here is very accomodating to us, we roll pretty deep," says JC, a Progressive member.

According to the Daily 49er, staff writer Tiffany Rider disclosed the Collectives pursuit to inform and support the legalization of marijuana and student tuition fee increases next semester. Cultural festivals, revolution film night and political debates are some of the activities that the club puts on and even a "how to overthrow a government" workshop is in the works. Rikers Island here we come yay!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Spin on your head and impress your mom, a breakdancer shows he can hold his dinner

Justin Young a.k.a. Baloo has been The Breakdancer clubs head organizer for the past year. The PE building is home to the Break Battle crews that headspin, windmill and dead man (where you throw yourself horizontally in the air flat on the ground) til closing.

"Breakdancing has been a major cultural iconic dance form since the 80's. It originated on the East Coast by entrepeneurs Mr. Freeze and Crazy Legs, still well known in the scene", said Young, a 4th year Marketing major.

Aside from a complete workout, the clubs organizes "battles" with other competring colleges, where a scene from Westside story ensues. Two groups commense in what looks like a reallive fight but break out in a dance like act and individuals show their talents while being applauded by their comrades. The club meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7-?

Beginners welcome but make sure you have medical insurance.

compose this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Video]An eccentric musician performs at the ART SOUNDWALK

If creating music is what you are all about, The Composers Guild Society is requesting your presence. Every other Thursday the club meets in the Music Department at 8 pm to discuss their next up and ocming performance and their eager aspiration of making it big.

Joe Kaplan, Composer Guild committee member describes the club as multi-faceted and talented,"We have an array of talents here and i think that we have one of the best programs in the State." The club has entered competitions state wide and has recently been awarded the "Composers Guild Future Award" for you guessed it, Best Composition.

This qualified them to perform before a packed house at the Museum of Latin American Art on November 26th."It was amazing, we worked really hard and we are always looking for new talents" said Kaplan, a senior Music major. The club was established in 2003 and has been prosperous and continues to gain notoriety.

study abroad...that means outside of your incubator!!!

[Photo]Maybe you can study oppression from Burmese monks in a protest, yay!

Eric Johnson head of the Study Abroad Club is as motivational as Tony Robbins. His charisma he advocates for leaving your native homeland to study in the unknown is uncanny. Every Wednesday at 5 pm in the CBA building rm. 114, you can find him and a slew of hungry students waiting to abandon ship.

"We started with 5 people and now we have 25 regular attendees, new faces are always showing up", said Johnson, a senior Geography major from Bakersfield. The club has been in motion since the mid-nineties but has gone through several transformations and as of recent has been fully revived due to the efforts of Johnson. "We are trying to put together scholarships and workshops for people interested in studying abroad to show them that its not an impossible feat."

When you arrive, you can find an array of pamphlets that describe in detail about the many lands that await you to expand your mind to a new culture and experience. On occasion documentaries of sister city Universities are shown and x-pat students return and describe their adventurous tales of the time they got pick-pocketed.

Anime I ask you out on a date?

Yoni Matayou, Anime guru and looks like an animated character himself!!

Ahhh, some things never change! Growing up watching cartoons and reading comic books transcends into adult life!!! Join the Anime Club where you can feel one and comfortable with your fellow addicts. The Anime club meets every Thursday night at 7pm to watch old Anime flicks like an old couple watching Casablanca!

"I've been collecting comic books since i was five and i ultimately want to become an illustrator", said Martin Chou, President of the Anime Association. The Anime craze has been around for decades, although the movement was centrally focused in Japan and has flourished nationwide, especially in the US.

The club offers much more than drinking soda and eating milk duds in the USU Ballroom, field trips to the years Anime Convention at the Long Beach Convention center was the highlight for Annie Jones. "We got to meet all our favorite directors and got signed DVD's." A few of the hardcore's will be taking a trip to Japan this summer to attend the real deal Anime Festival in Okinawa where they claim that they can experiece "Anime Enlightenment".