Thursday, November 20, 2008

Surveillance Cameras on CSULB

CSULB Begins Surveillance Program
Last month CSULB installed it's new 37 surveillance camera initiative pushed by ASI to bolster the security in and around campus. The new pentel zooms, which have the ability to zoom in on license plates from a four-story altitude are mainly surveying areas that are unmonitored frequently, such as the parking lots. 

Big Brother or Proper Security?
The issue of irresponsible practices has been brought to light by several campus's around the nation. The proper use of cameras, the collection of data, where does it end up and ultimately who is watching the footage, are a few of the concerns civil rights activists have. According to the Daily 49er, CSULB's college newspaper, the cameras do have some inhibiting protocol that is manually installed. If a camera pans toward the student dorms windows, the camera will black out to the viewer so as not to capture any images of students inside their rooms.

Why Cameras?
Last year, two women were sexually assaulted on the CSULB campus in dimly lit areas of the campus where the predators acted out their crime. Initially, the camera initiative began as a lighting plan to enhance lighting around the perimeters of campus. It was brought to the attention of certain ASI officials, primarily President James Davis to push for the security measure that would give the authorities a greater chance to crack down on crime.

Ways To Prevent Crime On Your Own
  • Attend a campus self defense class
  • Use campus security to walk you to your car
  • Become familiar where the Blue security phones arE
  • Attend College 100, an overall comprehensive How To Guide to CSULB