Tuesday, December 4, 2007

study abroad...that means outside of your incubator!!!

[Photo]Maybe you can study oppression from Burmese monks in a protest, yay!

Eric Johnson head of the Study Abroad Club is as motivational as Tony Robbins. His charisma he advocates for leaving your native homeland to study in the unknown is uncanny. Every Wednesday at 5 pm in the CBA building rm. 114, you can find him and a slew of hungry students waiting to abandon ship.

"We started with 5 people and now we have 25 regular attendees, new faces are always showing up", said Johnson, a senior Geography major from Bakersfield. The club has been in motion since the mid-nineties but has gone through several transformations and as of recent has been fully revived due to the efforts of Johnson. "We are trying to put together scholarships and workshops for people interested in studying abroad to show them that its not an impossible feat."

When you arrive, you can find an array of pamphlets that describe in detail about the many lands that await you to expand your mind to a new culture and experience. On occasion documentaries of sister city Universities are shown and x-pat students return and describe their adventurous tales of the time they got pick-pocketed.

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